####################### Extending DynamoDB-mock ####################### Folder structure ================ :: Onctuous +-- onctuous => the real code | +-- tests | +-- unit => all individual validators and low level logic | `-- functional => global behovior +-- docs `-- pages => what you are reading Adding a custom validator ========================= If you want to contribute to ``Onctuous`` (we would love it btw), you will need to add your custom validator into ``ddmock.validators`` module. Otherwise, put it wherever you want, there are no restrictions. Technically speaking, any callable can be a validator. All validators will look like this: :: # Parent function: loads the parameters def ValidatorName(param1, param2, ..., msg=None): # this 'inner' function does the real job and is called by ``Onctuous`` def f(v): if some condition: return v # All changes done to the value will be reflected in the validated object raise Invalid(msg or 'Ooops: "Some Condition" was not met!') return f For example, here is the ``Url`` validator: :: def Url(msg=None): """Verify that the value is a URL.""" def f(v): try: urlparse.urlparse(v) return v except: raise Invalid(msg or 'expected a URL') return f That's all tou need to do! Adding a custom marker ====================== Sadly, this is quite more invasive to do and will probably require you to patch the hearth of ``Onctuous``. Markers lives in the same module as Validators: ``ddmock.validators`` and are also callable. The most simple Marker you can do is the "Optional" marker: :: class Optional(Marker): """Mark a node in the schema as optional.""" But you could override ``__init__`` or ``__call__`` for instance. Then, Marker presence is detected in ``Schema._validate_dict`` in module ``ddmock.schema``, that is to say, the heart of ``Onctuous``